In this article you can get information about system and resources, which using on your server.
Core and operating system
Follow command give you information about version of core:
uname -a
If on your server have been installed Linux system need to use following command to see information of using distribution about.
lsb_release -a cat /proc/version.
CPU and his using
Follow this command to see information processing unit about:
cat /proc/cpuinfo
If you are using virtual server, it will show you core quantity of processing unit.
The core quantity you will know by using command (only for dedicated servers):
Follow this command to see information memory about:
free -g
You can get this information in the difference units:
-b, --bytes in bytes
-k, --kilo in kilobytes
-m, --mega in megabytes
-g, --giga in gigabytes
--tera in terabytes
Detail information you get by using this:
cat /proc/meminfo
grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo
Disks and partitions
Information disk space about and how his „slicing“ follow this commands:
df -h